Our price comparisons are unbeatable - recently we did a house move that was bid by several other household moving companies, and even with cost of the UHaul, fuel and labor, we completed the job for $1,500.00 less than any other bid. That is the kind of savings you can expect when you move house with Moving Day Helpers.
$75.00 per hour (2 hour minimum) for a two-person crew, plus supplies including: Tape, Boxes, Shrink Wrap etc.
$75.00 per hour plus supply costs.
$45.00 plus supply costs. (2 hour minimum)
How do Moving Day Helpers really save you money when you are moving house?
The average cost of an "intrastate" house move is around $4200.00 dollars if you use a moving company that owns its own trucks. An "interstate" house move can range from between $6500.00 and $20,000.00 depending on the level of move you want.
Most moving companies charge $1.70 per mile, add the cost of fuel, loading, unloading and packing, and a move to Phoenix from - let's say Sheridan - would run to about $12,800.00. That is 1110 miles away!
Now let's do some math...
Packing and loading by Moving Day Helper's runs between $1,500.00 and $2000.00 dollars, with packing taking the majority of time and money. A 26" U Haul truck is $1270.00 from Sheridan to Phoenix, with approximately $500.00 in fuel. Unloading on the other side should take approximately three hours. Most moving labor companies charge between $75.00 and $90.00 per hour.
Now let's look at the bottom line!!! The entire move is done for around $4000.00!!!! That is a savings of around $8000.00!!!!!
Although the ratio of savings may decrease on intrastate house relocation. We recently did a job from Buffalo to Meteetsee that was bid by a moving company at $4700.00. When it was all said and done, this included fully packing, loading and unloading, the final bill, including truck rentals, fuel and labor, was $3170.00. So again we see that Moving Day Helpers saves you money in every way we can.